Vol. 16 No. 02 (2022): Journal of Business Strategies (December'22) Issue No. 32

					View Vol. 16 No. 02 (2022): Journal of Business Strategies (December'22) Issue No. 32


December 2022

Editorial Note

I am pleased to present the 32nd issue of the Journal of Business Strategies (JBS, ISSN: 1993-5765) which started publishing in 2007. It is now an open access peer reviewed journal published biannually online on Open Journal System OJS) platform. The submissions to the journal are subjected to the peer-review process by the editorial board members and external subject experts. All published articles of this journal having unique digital object identifier (DOI) are included in the indexing and abstracting coverage of EBSCO Business Source Complete EBSCO Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, Crossref. RePEc, SyndiGate, Google search engine, and among many other reputed scientific databases. The Journal has recently brought in a few new but nationally and internationally reputed names on its advisory and editorial board which would help us in improving the quality of published research.

What world is facing now?

 The global landscape is dominated by various manifesting risks. Most respondents to the 2022-2023 Global Risks Perception Survey (GRPS) chose “Energy supply crisis”; “Cost-of-living crisis”; “Rising inflation” and “Food supply crisis” as among the top risks for 2023 with the greatest potential impact on a global scale.

 What will the world’s biggest problem be in the future? There is a simple and unanimous answer and that is “Global Climate Change”. Beyond the suffering it is already causing, worse climate change could increase existential risks from other causes and affect standards of living far into the future. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes climate change as one of the greatest challenges of the present time and expresses its concerns on how the adverse impacts of climate change can undermine the ability of all countries to achieve sustainable development.

 Economists have an agreement that “Circular Economy” strategies could slow down nature degradation by reducing the demand for virgin materials, decreasing pressure on ecosystems that improve climate adaptation. A circular economy focuses on reducing wastage and pollution with repair, reuse, and reduction. In addition, it also emphasizes restoring natural systems while creating conditions for supporting regeneration. The circular economy establishes a more sustainable production and consumption model in which raw materials are kept longer in production cycles and can be used repeatedly, therefore generating much less waste. The circular economy is an integral part of the sustainability agenda and can contribute to several different Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is obvious that SDG 12 “responsible consumption and production”, is at the heart of the circular economy. A properly functioning circular economy does not only depend on the government and industry, but also on consumers and ultimate users who have a role to play choosing sustainable products must become the new standard. Consumers also contribute to a circular economy by using things longer, repairing them or taking them to the recycling shop. The government wants to stimulate this behavior by giving the circular economy a place in education and by conducting campaigns.

Dr. Mohammad Shaiq


Journal of Business Strategies

Published: 2022-12-01