
  • Iraj Hashmi


Equal Employment Opportunity, Pakistani Working Women, IT Departments, Karachi, Pakistan, Recruiting, Employment


Diverse demographics such as gender, age, and cultural origin, as well as characteristics directly relevant to the job, including tenure, education, and functional background, present a challenge as well as an opportunity for organizations. A company’s competitive advantage is significantly derived from its workforce diversity. Numerous studies have shown that inclusiveness produces more creative, innovative, profitable, and flexible teams that can satisfy the rapidly shifting global client demands. The study focuses on Pakistani women’s equal employment opportunities. The precise goals of this study are to ascertain the existing status of women in IT departments, evaluate their roles, and identify the reasons as to why women are not considered equally while recruiting for IT departments. Pakistan offers a distinctive research framework for examining equal opportunities because of the confluence of religious, cultural, social, and historical factors that are frequently at odds with one another. In order to assess the possibility of equal employment opportunities, a total of 8 interviews were conducted, 4 of which were with working women from various IT departments located in Karachi. The other 4 interviews were with women who do not work in IT departments. The qualitative data will reveal a lot about the existing situation of Pakistani women working in IT departments who may or may not be pursuing their professions in patriarchal cultural settings.

Author Biography

Iraj Hashmi

Iraj Hashmi, Research Scholar, Greenwich University, Karachi, Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Hashmi, I. (2022). EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN IN THE IT DEPARTMENT: A QUALITATIVE STUDY. Journal of Business Strategies, 16(02), 85–124. Retrieved from http://greenwichjournals.com/index.php/businessstudies/article/view/689