• Dr. Sobia Shafaq Shah
  • Dr. Asif Ali Shah
  • Dr. Saima Kamran Pathan
Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Job Performance, Effective Leadership


This study aims at examining the relationship among faculty members’ perceptions of their department head’s leadership styles and faculty job satisfaction and job performance. Working within a quantitative research paradigm, the data were collected from 207 faculty members of a sizeable public-sector university of Pakistan, through a questionnaire survey method. The descriptive and inferential analyses were conducted through SPSS version-20. This study determined that the frequent practice of transformational leadership style by the department heads could positively influence faculty job satisfaction and job performance. Where as,the transactional and laissez-fair leadership styles practiced by the department heads could varyingly influence faculty job satisfaction and job performance. Primarily, this study offers empirical evidence pertinent to understand the nexus between perceived leadership styles/approaches of department heads and faculty job satisfaction and job performance in an academic setting. The significance of this research is embedded in examining the transformational leadership theory in the context of the higher education.

Author Biographies

Dr. Sobia Shafaq Shah

Dr. Sobia Shafaq shah is currently serving as Assistant Professor at the Institute of Business Administration, University of Sindh, Jamshoro. She is a keen researcher and has obtained her Doctorate in Business Management from Anglia Ruskin University, UK. She can be contacted at

Dr. Asif Ali Shah

Dr. Asif Ali shah is Assistant Professor at the Mehran University of Engineering and Technology. He has done PhD in Science and Technology Policy. His current research interests focus on the science and technology policy, quality assurance in higher education institutions and community development. He can be contacted at

Dr. Saima Kamran Pathan

Dr. Saima Kamran Pathan is Assistant Professor at Institute of Business Administration, University of Sindh, Jamshoro. She received her PhD from School of Management, University of Leicester, UK. She can be contacted through e-mail at


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