• Ayaz Ali Maitlo
  • Dr. Salman Bashir Memon
  • Dr. Sumaiya Syed
Keywords: Psychological Capital, Knowledge Sharing Behavior, Public Sector Universities, Structural Equation Model


Knowledge sharing in the universities is a crucial practice. The Universities are the ‘knowledge chambers for researchers in which psychological capital contributes positively to the academic performance of graduate students. This is confirmed by the literature that there is a positive and significant relationship between psychological empowerment and knowledge sharing. The fundamental aim of this study is to determine the influence of Psychological Capital ( PsyCap ) on Knowledge Sharing Behavior (KSB) in public-sector Universities. Data were collected from research fellows registered in varied MS/MPhil and PhD programs in three public sector universities. The researcher employed Structural Equation Model (SEM) to test the hypothesized model that demonstrates the connection between four PsyCap traits and KSB. Results show that PsyCap efficacy and PsyCap hope, PsyCap resilience, and PsyCap optimism are associated with the knowledge sharing behavior of there search-fellows in the context of the public-sector universities. The paper’s findings imply that the research fellows should keep updated about essential research projects information through personal discussion while analyzing a long-term problem to find a solution.

Author Biographies

Ayaz Ali Maitlo

Ayaz Ali Maitlo is a Lecturer at the Department of Business Administration, Sindh University. His research interests include psychological capital, entrepreneurial idea generation, and family business development. He can be contacted via e-mail at

Dr. Salman Bashir Memon

Dr. Salman Bashir is Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur. He earned his PhD from Queen Margaret University, UK. Furthermore, Dr. Salman is also working as the Deputy Director in the Directorate of Distance Education, SAL University Khairpur. His research interests are Knowledge management, human resource management, organizational culture, organizational change & development, and mixed method research. E-mail:

Dr. Sumaiya Syed

Dr. Sumaiya Syed is Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur. Her research and teaching interest are in social exchange relationships, work-family conflict, organizational and occupational turnover intentions, and cross cultural studies. Her e-mail address is


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