• Aamir Hussain Siddiqui
Keywords: Constant Market Share Analysis, Negative Growth, Exports, Demand Effect, Composition Effect, Competitiveness Effect, Pakistan


Pakistan is experiencing a constant negative export growth trend from 2011. The purpose of this article is to assess there a son of this negative trend. For this purpose, this study has used Constant Market Share Analysis (CMS). This methodology is commonly used for such analysis. The methodology is very important for the policy makers and economic managers to take appropriate and relevant measures for export growth. The analysis revealed that the world demand and competitiveness are the issues which have resulted in negative export growth of Pakistan over the last few years. Therefore, Pakistan’s trade policy should focus on those measures which address the issue of competitiveness. The analysis did not find any impact of price on the low export growth, so the measures for market access through low price is not effective. The highly negative world demand effect and separate analysis for major products and geographical regions shows very concentrated exports of few sectors and regions, which suggest focusing on the measures for export diversification.

Author Biography

Aamir Hussain Siddiqui

Aamir Hussain Siddiqui is currently serving at Applied Economics Research Center, University of Karachi as Research Economist/Assistant Professor. His area of research interest is international trade, WTO, and Globalization. He has also served the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan and the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry.  His email is


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How to Cite
Siddiqui, A. (2018). NEGATIVE EXPORT GROWTH OF PAKISTAN DURING 2011-16: A CONSTANT MARKET SHARE ANALYSIS. Journal of Business Strategies, 12(01), 61-70. Retrieved from

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