• Syed Asad Hussain
  • Sana Abbas
Keywords: B2C Marketing, Blog Marketing, Consumer Perception, Pakistan


This study provides insight on how the firm-created communication and consumer-generated communication messages through blog does, influence the perception of consumers and is a source of lifelong learning. This research also assesses the difference in perception of male and female based on their interaction with blogs. This research also investigates whether there is a notable impact of age factor on the consumer perception and how does information available through blog influences their perception formation. An online survey of one hyndredeighty one respondents from Pakistan analyzed statistically. Results suggested that firm created communication material on the blog, user-generated blog communication material, blog credibility, and trending brands on blogs are some of the factors related to blog marketing that influences the consumer perception about the brands. No significant relationship found between blog rating and complete product information availability on consumer perception whereas Blog credibility and trending brands on blogs positively affects the consumer perception about brands.

Author Biographies

Syed Asad Hussain

Syed Asad Hussain is the Director of Asian Institute of Fashion Design - AIFD, Karachi. He holds an M.Phil. in Marketing from Iqra University and is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree. His main research interest is in e-marketing and brand love. He has presented various papers in many conferences nationally and internationally, on diverse topics from marketing. Mr. Hussain can be contacted via email at asad@aifd.edu.sa

Sana Abbas

Sana abbas has remained visiting lecturer at Iqra University, Pakistan. She has completed her M.Phil. in Marketing Iqra University, Karachi, Pakistan. Professionally she has worked in an advertising agency in Pakistan. Her email is sanakaimkhani@gmail.com


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How to Cite
Hussain, S., & Abbas, S. (2018). WHAT WORKS IN BLOG MARKETING? FIRM CREATED, OR USER GENERATED IN 2.0 WEB: EVIDENCE FROM A DEVELOPING COUNTRY. Journal of Business Strategies, 12(2), 145-164. Retrieved from http://greenwichjournals.com/index.php/businessstudies/article/view/346