
  • Muhammad Ilyas
  • Muhammad Asif Khan
  • Muhammad Ajmal Khan


This research paper studies the presence of trauma and testimony in The Feast of the Goat by Mario Vargas Llosa. Trauma begs for the representation of the un- representable and works against any coherent narrative representation of the self; while testimony means to testify, which is usually in a court of law; when a witness is asked, under oath, to give his/her testimony regarding a particular incident. Similarly, in literature, when a character tells the story of his/her misery or past circumstances in an autobiographical form; such a narration is termed as ‘testimonial literature’. Vargas, in the Feast of the Goat relates the history of the Dominican Republic during the dictatorial regime of Trujillo. The goat had ruled the Republic for 30 years with an iron fist. Urania, the lead character of the novel, came back to her home country after spending thirty-five years of self- exile. Hers is a journey of trauma and testimony. She first of all confronted her aged father in a dialogic exchange about the various incidents that had traumatized her in her childhood. She also spoke to her aunt and cousins about her traumatic memory of her teens when she got raped by Trujillo. The novel also referred to the national trauma of the Dominican People during the Trujillo rule and the mayhem that was created after his death by his so called supported.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Ilyas

Muhammad Iliyas is a currently a research scholar at University of Peshawar. His email address is

Muhammad Asif Khan

Muhammad Asif Khan is working as an assistant professor in the department of Education Greenwich University. His email address is

Muhammad Ajmal Khan

Muhammad Ajmal Khan is an associate professor at PAFKIET. His email address is


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