
  • Bushra Naz
  • Tahira Batool
  • Umm -e- Habiba


ICT, Communication Practices, Administrators, Secondary Schools


This research paper was designed to study the Uses of ICT on administrators for communication practices in public sector secondary schools of Lahore. The purpose of the study was to investigate the types of ICT practiced by administrators for communication practices in secondary schools and to compare the results of male and female heads. The study was descriptive in nature. The population of this study was consisted of all 163 administrators of all public sector secondary schools of Lahore. The whole population was considered as a sample. A checklist and questionnaire were developed by researcher in order to collect data from the heads of institutions based on five-point Likert scale. Data was analyzed by using Frequencies, Percentage, t-test and ANOVA. The finding of the study indicated that male and female heads use most of the ICT applications and software for the better performance in the field of education. The study revealed that male heads use ICT more as compared to female heads. However, it is recommended that there is need to train administrative staff of secondary schools of Lahore regarding ICT so that they can enhance their professional practices in more effective and progressive way.

Author Biographies

Bushra Naz

PhD Scholar, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

Tahira Batool

Assistant Professor, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan.

Umm -e- Habiba

EST, Govt. Girls Elementary School Nwabpura, Lahore, Pakistan.


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