
  • Qurratulaen Liaqat
  • Amra Raza


Drone, Necropolitics, Biopolitics, Posthuman, Discourse


Humans have entered posthuman era where human activities, productions and cultures are being transformed by increasing enmeshment of technology. Accordingly, one of the most defining factors of contemporary Politics and Literature is the overwhelming presence of machines in their narratives. This research is an inter-disciplinary study which demonstrates that contemporary Pakistani Anglophone fiction is a political statement against the necropolitical and biopolitical usage of drone technology in underprivileged countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan. There are not many notable researched available on the interrelation between drone technology, politics and Pakistani literature. This paper is, therefore, unique and innovative in its approach towards drone warfare and its political and literary implications. By conducting a hermeneutic textual analysis of three novels by Nadeem Aslam, Uzma Aslam Khan and Mohsin Hamid from a posthuman theoretical framework, this article illustrates that technology has transformed the characteristics of international politics in the twenty-first century Pakistan.

Author Biographies

Qurratulaen Liaqat

Assistant Professor, Forman Christian College (A Chartered University), Lahore, Pakistan.

Amra Raza

Professor English Department & Dean of Humanities, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.


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