
  • Ghulam Rasool Lakhan
  • Bahadur Ali Soomro
  • Amanullah Channa


Demographic status, academic success, quality performance, Socioeconomic features, gender and success


This study is designed to investigate the socio-economic elements which influencing the academic success of the young learners in the secondary school in Ghotki, District, Sindh, Pakistan. The participants of this study included 10th-grade students (i.e., 200 males & 200 females). A survey questionnaire has been used for the collection of data pertaining to the performance of students’ academics. It is measured through the 9th grade annual examination result. ANOVA and Standard t-test have been employed to explore out the impact of the socio-economic factors on the achievement of students. The outcomes of such the research task disclosed that parents’ education and socioeconomic status shows a significant influence on students’ entire success in Mathematics and English and academic achievement. An average and a high socio-economic level influence academic success more than the lower level. Further, it has resulted in the factor of performance among girls is stated more outstanding than male students.

Author Biographies

Ghulam Rasool Lakhan

Associate Professor & HoD, Department of Economics, Abdul Haq Campus, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan.

Bahadur Ali Soomro

Assistant Professor, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Pakistan.

Amanullah Channa

Assistant Professor, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Pakistan.


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