
  • Khadija Malik Bari
  • Masood Ahmed Siddiqui
  • Syed Ammad Ali


Pakistan, Women, Violence, Behavioral Determinants, wife-Beating


The evidence regarding the acceptance of Intimate partner violence among women in different societies is mixed and sometimes scant. The hypothesis that female decision making role is negatively associated with the acceptance of such attitudes is tested by using 2012-2013 Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey. The study results are indicative of the fact that despite large number of women exercising no role in decision making, whatsoever, the acceptance of wife beating in Pakistan is significantly lower than what is reported in other studies of the Muslim countries. In other words, women with less decision making power do not significantly differ in their perception towards wife beating when compared with women who have decision making power. However, the study results show that education and socioeconomic status are the two factors that impact behavior towards wife beating justification significantly. Wife beating justification consistently declines with increased educational and socioeconomic status.

Author Biographies

Khadija Malik Bari

PhD, Assistant professor, Department of Economics and Finance, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi.

Masood Ahmed Siddiqui

PhD. Scholar, Economics Department, IBA, Karachi.

Syed Ammad Ali

PhD, Assistant professor, Applied Economics Research Centre, University of Karachi.


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