
  • Dr Uzma Murad Panhwar
  • Muhammad Farshad
  • Amjad Ali Abro


Traditional learning, Business Management Classroom, e-Learning, Educational technology, Distance learning, Blended learning, Face-to-Face learning


The approach of teachers and students in Business Management Classrooms to new innovations (technologies) is the fundamental aspect that will enable them to position themselves quickly and easily on e-Learning. The use of personal computers, networks, computer simulations and portable devices (iPads, tablets and mobile devices) has captivated the enthusiasm of the various students who benefit as an educational tool. Given the growing size and variety of in Business Management at Higher Education zone, specifically in terms of value chains, control, and geographic coverage, it has emerged as essential to develop a strong database on higher education. This study highlights the current state and prospects of e-learning in Business Management Classrooms at Higher Education level. Online learning has an important role to play in complementing traditional classroom learning and students expect that the use of technology will make their learning experience more practical and improve the value of their learning. The methodology used in this study consisted of a systematic random sampling for students in traditional study mode and a reasoned sampling to identify students in electronic learning mode by using SPSS. The results show that face-to-face education remains the best course for the method of delivery for students. They also showed that in face-to-face practice they had better results in reading. Blended learning and e-learning support face-to-face learning in order to meet students’ different needs.

Author Biographies

Dr Uzma Murad Panhwar

Assistant Professor, Department of EMS, Faculty of Education, University of Sindh, Hyderabad.

Muhammad Farshad

PhD Scholar, Central China Normal University, Wuhan PRC/ Lecturer, Bahria University.

Amjad Ali Abro

Lecturer, International Relations, University of Karachi.


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