• M. Muzammil Ghayas
  • Dr. Rubina Jabeen
Keywords: Abusive Supervision, Credit Stealing, Belittling Behavior, Yelling and Scapegoating


This study aims to explore dimensions of abusive supervision and to develop a scale for measuring abusive supervision dimensions. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected from Karachi, Istanbul and Dubai at different points in time. The final sample comprised of 103 and 506 respondents from Karachi for qualitative and quantitative data respectively, 447 respondents from Istanbul and 480 respondents from Dubai. Summative Content Analysis, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Multiple Regression analyses were used as analyses techniques. Results suggested that abusive supervision is a multi-dimensional construct. The scale was also developed and validated in all three geographical locations. Furthermore, dimensions of abusive supervision were found to be positively associated with turnover intentions.


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