
  • Talat Mahmood
  • Prof. Dr. Nasreen Aslam Shah
  • Muhammad Wasif Nisar


women empowerment, socioeconomic development, employment, occupation, financial contribution, Pakistan


Gender disparities among third-world nations are frequently seen when women’s status is studied for research purposes. Hence, the relationship between jobs and equality is focused in the present study concerning the contemporary era. The accessibility of women to services and the extent of input to the households’ cumulative family incomes are also significant for eliminating gender discrimination. The present study comprises five selected aspects to explore the multi-facets of women empowerment. The study discussed that women are more likely to be motivated in mostly limited occupations and that a few of the empowerment measures appear to interrelate with these unique proficient characteristics. The research is intended to encourage discussion on improving women’s empowerment by creating more professional markets that offer women new prospects, particularly in rural areas of Pakistan, that are often the most ignored parts in third-world countries.

Author Biographies

Talat Mahmood

PhD Scholar, Department: Center of Excellence for Women Studies, University of Karachi, Karachi.

Prof. Dr. Nasreen Aslam Shah

Meritorious Professor, Dean of Social Sciences, University of Karachi, Karachi.

Muhammad Wasif Nisar

MPhil Scholar, Department: Health, Physical Education, & Sports Science University of Karachi, Karachi.


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